MateFit - Interrogate your Carbohydrate Intake… There are 1440 minutes in a day, you can spare a few of them
MateFit - There are 1440 minutes in a day, you can spare a few of them.

You don’t need a ton of time to fit in your fitness. These suggestions only take minutes, but doing them twice a week will help you tone up and lose weight.
Stand with your legs and arms bent, and your hands out to your sides. Begin jumping, leaving only a few inches between your feet and the floor as you hop. At the same time, rotate your shoulders and arms as if you are jumping rope without the rope. Continue for 1 minute and 30 seconds.
Get in traditional push-up position, with your feet a few inches apart, your arms straight, and your hands near your shoulders (it's OK to start on your knees). Your body should form a straight line from your head to your heels. Keep your abs tight and drop your body straight down by bending both arms. Return to starting position and repeat as many times as you can in 30 seconds. Get in traditional push-up position, with your feet a few inches apart, your arms straight, and your hands near your shoulders (it's OK to start on your knees). Your body should form a straight line from your head to your heels. Keep your abs tight and drop your body straight down by bending both arms. Return to starting position and repeat as many times as you can in 30 seconds. Lie on your back on a mat with your legs and arms straight. Keep your legs together, and lift your heels toward the ceiling until your feet are directly above your hips. Raise your arms and point your fingers toward your toes. Tighten your ab muscles, and lift your upper body until your fingers come close to touching your toes; lower your upper body to complete 1 rep. Do as many reps as you can in 30 seconds.
Stand with your legs and arms bent, and your hands out to your sides. Begin jumping, leaving only a few inches between your feet and the floor as you hop. At the same time, rotate your shoulders and arms as if you are jumping rope without the rope. Continue for 1 minute and 30 seconds.
Get in traditional push-up position, with your feet a few inches apart, your arms straight, and your hands near your shoulders (it's OK to start on your knees). Your body should form a straight line from your head to your heels. Keep your abs tight and drop your body straight down by bending both arms. Return to starting position and repeat as many times as you can in 30 seconds. Get in traditional push-up position, with your feet a few inches apart, your arms straight, and your hands near your shoulders (it's OK to start on your knees). Your body should form a straight line from your head to your heels. Keep your abs tight and drop your body straight down by bending both arms. Return to starting position and repeat as many times as you can in 30 seconds. Lie on your back on a mat with your legs and arms straight. Keep your legs together, and lift your heels toward the ceiling until your feet are directly above your hips. Raise your arms and point your fingers toward your toes. Tighten your ab muscles, and lift your upper body until your fingers come close to touching your toes; lower your upper body to complete 1 rep. Do as many reps as you can in 30 seconds.
MateFit - Interrogate your Carbohydrate Intake…

Many people feel their best eating very little carbs (under 50 grams) while others eat as much as 150 grams, which is still considered “low-carb.”
All carbs are not created equal. Certain high carb foods are associated with all of the bad/sinful things you love, while other high carb foods are really not bad at all (even reasonably good in some cases) and should include the majority of your daily carb intake.
Carbs in truth don’t make you fat. It’s not the carbs themselves that cause the fat gain in this situation, it’s the excess calories those carbs provided.
In the end, excess calories of any kind (protein, fat, carbs, healthy foods, unhealthy foods, etc.) will cause fat gain. It’s not the source of those calories that does it. It’s the excess calories themselves.
Use these numbers as a guideline:
10-20 grams per day: Very low, can’t eat any carbs except low-carb vegetables. Appropriate if you have a lot of weight to lose or if you have diabetes and/or the metabolic syndrome.
20-50 grams per day: If you need to lose weight fast. You can eat quite a bit of vegetables and one piece of fruit per day.
50-150 grams per day: If you want to achieve optimal health and lower your risk of lifestyle-related disease. There is room for several fruit per day and even a little bit of healthy starches like potatoes and rice.
All carbs are not created equal. Certain high carb foods are associated with all of the bad/sinful things you love, while other high carb foods are really not bad at all (even reasonably good in some cases) and should include the majority of your daily carb intake.
Carbs in truth don’t make you fat. It’s not the carbs themselves that cause the fat gain in this situation, it’s the excess calories those carbs provided.
In the end, excess calories of any kind (protein, fat, carbs, healthy foods, unhealthy foods, etc.) will cause fat gain. It’s not the source of those calories that does it. It’s the excess calories themselves.
Use these numbers as a guideline:
10-20 grams per day: Very low, can’t eat any carbs except low-carb vegetables. Appropriate if you have a lot of weight to lose or if you have diabetes and/or the metabolic syndrome.
20-50 grams per day: If you need to lose weight fast. You can eat quite a bit of vegetables and one piece of fruit per day.
50-150 grams per day: If you want to achieve optimal health and lower your risk of lifestyle-related disease. There is room for several fruit per day and even a little bit of healthy starches like potatoes and rice.