MateFit - 45% of Americans make New Year's resolutions – 73% give up before meeting their goal

Reassess your resolutions: If something is not working, it’s OK to go back and modify your resolution. Resolutions are about becoming an improved version of yourself, not a perfect version of yourself. If you're not able to stick to under 500 calories per meal, oh well! Bump it up a little when you feel the need.
Get an app: There is an app that can help with every resolution. They can not only track your diet, exercise and task completion, but can coach you through the process towards weight loss.
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Celebrate little victories: You deserve it! Just make sure the rewards don't work against your goal (i.e, eating a bowl of ice cream after every salad). Think of a way you can treat yourself, maybe get a smoothie maker or fitness tracker (now that all your friends have one). It's a positive reward that will actually help make a healthier, happier you.

Don't give up so easily: Too often people throw in the towel on resolutions because of one slip up. So what, you had a moment of weakness and ate a cheeseburger. It happens! If weight loss were that easy, it wouldn't be the number one resolution, year after year. Often, we use small slip-ups as an excuse to give up on big goals. Forgive yourself, move on and keep trying.