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My Skinny Teatox Review and Why I Wouldn’t Recommend a Tea Detox

After over-doing it on sweet treats, savoury indulgences and pitchers of cocktails over Christmas, I decided that I needed to lose a little bit of weight at the start of January – not a lot just a little. I’m 170cm tall and weigh 58kg, which is perfectly healthy. But prior to Christmas, I weighed 55kg-56kg, which was the weight I wanted to drop back down to. I’ve never found it easy to lose weight and when, after going back to my healthy diet and workout routine for a short time, I found I wasn’t losing any weight, I decided to do a teatox with Skinny Teatox.


My Skinny Teatox Review and Why I Wouldn't Recommend a Teatox - this blogger gives her honest review on teatoxing and it just doesn't sound worth it! There are plenty of better ways to lose weight!

I just want to get it out there now that no one has paid me to write this teatox review. I went onto the website and paid every penny for the 14-day teatox starter kit myself. This kit comes with 14 doses of morning tea, 7 doses of evening tea, 14 doses of chocolate energy tea and a cute strawberry tea infuser. The full price is $90 dollars, which I think is a bit steep. But I managed to snap it up for $30 during a post-Christmas sale. Whoo!

If you’re unfamiliar with Skinny Teatox, the idea is that you drink the morning tea every morning or afternoon for the full two weeks and you drink one evening tea every other night, all the while following a healthy diet and active lifestyle. The chocolate energy tea is simply to fill the gap if you’re feeling hungry. The morning tea is meant to give you the same boost of energy that a cup of coffee would, whilst the evening tea is meant to create a laxative-like effect, essentially flushing your body out.


My Skinny Teatox Review and Why I Wouldn't Recommend a Teatox - this blogger gives her honest review on teatoxing and it just doesn't sound worth it! There are plenty of better ways to lose weight!

Skinny Teatox Taste

The teas taste…not great. Which is something I was really surprised about because I’m really into herbal tea and loads of review bloggers online said the morning tea and chocolate energy tea were delicious! To drink the morning tea, I had to add some lemon juice to make it palatable and after one cup of the chocolate energy tea, I didn’t bother with another. The chocolate energy tea smelled absolutely amazing dry, but it tasted nothing like chocolate. And the evening tea? Let’s not even go there. The creators of Skinny Teatox admit that the evening tea doesn’t taste the best and that’s certainly the truth!

Morning Tea Effectiveness

I think the morning tea did what it actually promised – after one cup of the stuff at around 6am, I really was full of enough energy to do my morning 5km run and get through my day without the need of coffee! But after I thought about it, I’m not one of those people who rely on coffee, you know? I regularly go a full day without any caffeine and feel fine for it, so I’m not sure how to take this one.

Evening Tea Effectiveness

The purpose of the evening tea is to create a laxative-like effect which flushes out your body – I totally didn’t get that. You’re meant to steep the teabag for 4-5 minutes, which I did first time and got no results. The leaflet said to steep the teabag for longer for a stronger effect. The last time I steeped the evening tea bag, I left it in the mug for a whole 12 minutes and still didn’t get any out-of-the-norm results.

My Skinny Teatox Review and Why I Wouldn't Recommend a Teatox - this blogger gives her honest review on teatoxing and it just doesn't sound worth it! There are plenty of better ways to lose weight!

How it Made Me Feel

I’m sad to say that I didn’t do the whole 14 day teatox – I stopped after day ten because I started feeling very ill. The tea is meant to boost your metabolism, which I think it definitely did for me. I was feeling a lot hungrier than usual – something which is difficult to deal with when you’re meant to be eating a healthy diet and my weight was fluctuating like crazy. On the final day, I woke up seriously bloated and heavy, but by the end of the afternoon, my weight had dropped 1.7kg – that’s almost 4 pounds – without doing anything unusual. That day I had an insane headache and I felt weak, light-headed and dizzy, so much so that I couldn’t even concentrate on my work. It was at that point that I stopped the teatox.

Did it Work?

In a sense, yes. I lost 1kg doing the teatox diet for ten days. I was only interested in weight loss – I don’t actually believe in detoxing the body using anything other than my organs, so I wasn’t looking for anything like that. But since the teatox involves maintaining an active lifestyle and a healthy diet, I think those two aspects were more responsible for my weight-loss. This is something I can definitely confirm because after I stopped drinking the tea, I carried on with my workout routine and healthy eating and I’ve continued to lose weight.

Would I Recommend a Teatox?

No. No, I wouldn’t. Now I see that I was hoping for a miracle in the form of a cup of tea which would make me lose weight without changing anything else in my life. It’s easy to get swept away with all those images on Instagram and Pinterest of beautiful, thin models with their hands grasping mugs of detox tea, claiming their toned bodies and good looks are down to this magic teatox, but after actually trying it out, I think it’s just an expensive fad which will go as soon as we stop giving it the attention it really doesn’t deserve.

If you want to lose weight, you can’t look for a magic tea. You need to change your life. Start eating healthier or eat smaller portions if you already eat healthy. And get up and move! You’ll be surprised how the weight will just start to drop off you if you go for a walk or jog everyday. In the long-run, you’ll be much healthier and happier by changing your lifestyle instead of paying $50 for some nasty tasting tea.

Courtesy : happyhealthymotivated.com

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